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Great Destinations Away from the East End

Fire Island National Seashore

A real national treasure and a must-see for Long Island visitors. It's a great day trip and getting there is part of the fun. Take a ferry ride from Bay Shore (40 miles) to the barrier island, or if you like a little hike, walk from Robert Moses State Park.

You'll feel like time stands still on this beautiful barrier island. It's quiet and peaceful without cars (except emergency and maintenance vehicles), so all you hear is the the ringing of bells on bikes, the ocean and birds.

There are 26 miles of untouched beaches, beach homes and several family-friendly quaint small villages.

Ocean Bay Park is best for small shoppes and restaurants. Kismet, Fair Harbor and Saltaire are also among our favorites, and are great for slow bike rides on paths through beach home neighborhoods.


While in Kismet, walk to the Fire Island Lighthouse  Grab lunch or dinner at Surf's Out Restaurant and use the complimentary showers to rinse off after the beach.

You can take "tender boats" from one town to the other as well. So maybe land in Kismet, hit the beach, bike ride, get lunch, rinse off and head to Ocean Bay Park for dinner and shopping before catching the final ferry of the day back to Bay Shore.

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